• Get to Know Who You Really Are:

    A Mystical & Practical Course Workbook for Seekers of All Ages

    Coming Soon

  • True Self

    What is True Self Consulting about?

    At a time of collective awakening for humanity, individuals are experiencing awakenings of their own and having to traverse the unknown. We have been mired in a paradigm of materialism, which says that there is no reality beyond the material, but it is a paradigm that never really fit us. Where do we go from here?


    Social media allows us to share with one another as we grow and learn, but even though we may resonate with much of what we're gathering from all around us, the information coming at us is no doubt overwhelming. The journeys of others are external to the self. While we can learn from one another, each path is totally individual and unique.


    Where and how do we locate our unique selves in the deluge of information? This transitional time is especially challenging because we haven't had a lot of practice discerning-in both the outer and inner worlds-truth from falsity.



    What does True Self Consulting look like?

    When you work with me, we are souls meeting in human form, souls who agreed to do the work we are called to do together, whether it lasts for two hours or several weeks.


    In our work together, we turn inward, into the quiet place where your inner world can begin to speak to you. The age old journey remains the same, though it expresses itself uniquely through every individual.


    From a basis of mystical, esoteric, and experiental insight that comes through awareness of energy, we connect to the guidance that speaks to you about falsity layers that hide your true self. We learn what to do as your true self emerges in small sparks and begins to shine.



    Why is True Self Consulting important?

    From a place of individual inner connectedness you will be able to stand in the streams of information coming toward you from every direction and engage with them. You will be able to discern what is for you at this time (and what is not). You will gather and learn, be inspired and motivated, support and encourage others, give and receive. You will belong within humanity while standing in your true self, without being swept up in the confusion of overwhelming information.


    Every individual within the human collective brings humanity closer to its true purpose and expression by connecting to his/her own true self, individually. Creator, Soul, Spirit, Angels-all of these higher forces are always giving us reminders, offering us a flow of true and pure consciousness to help us in our individual expression of true self.


    All of life is for remembering true self and being true self.

  • Individual

    • Gain confidence and conviction in the unfolding of your life's story
    • Gather strength of faith through the trials of life
    • Express yourself with increasing alignment to your true self
    • Acknowledge and heal painful wounds of the psyche to open new doors for relationships, work, health, freedom, and holistic well-being
    • Practice the joy of connection to Soul/Spirit/Higher Self/Angels/True Guide
    • Practice surrender and submission to the Source/True Guide/Creator to live your highest life


    Following the mystical and practical course and workbook, Get to Know Who You Really Are, join your experienced facilitators and other seekers in a circle of acknowledgment and presence to one another, where we practice the art of gaining insights in the company of others while developing our expression of true self. (Note: Course & Workbook coming soon.)


    An organization/institution has a personality based on the collective energy (culture) of the individuals working within it. The collective energy is set by the energies of past and present leadership because only energies that match the vibrations and frequencies of the organization's culture will be allowed to exist within it.


    To cultivate energies that match the mission (true self) of the organization/institution, its culture needs to shift to allow for alignment with the correct and optimal energies to achieve its mission.


    The extent to which leaders are willing to move beyond the false materialist paradigm is the healing potential of leaders for their organization/institution. Through true self leadership, a shift in collective energy occurs and the true mission of the organization/institution becomes apparent and achievable.

    • Heal from fear-based, top-down leadership that ends up (unintentionally) focusing on appearances and image rather than true change and forward progress
    • Move toward authentic service, the joy of fulfilment and true success
    • Heal from burnout and non-sustainable "human resources"
    • Achieve never-before experienced levels of cohesion, creativity, community
    • Take great leaps forward in the direction of the organization/institution's true mission
    • Enjoy a culture for leaders, employees, volunteers, consumers, and all stakeholders with observable positive results (others will seek to understand how you are achieving your mission to try and replicate what you're doing!)
  • About

    Nadia is a writer, teacher, and true self consultant. She received her training/education in teaching (BEd) and counseling psychology (MA, Ed.M) from the University of Toronto, OISE, and at TC, Columbia University, as well as certification as a life coach (CCF). She has worked in various settings, including schools and classrooms, educational institutions and organizations, and in her private practice with individuals, children & families, as well as in business settings to develop culture-mission alignment and to support entrepreneurs toward connecting to true self energies by overcoming self-limiting negative energies, which stop us from finding fulfillment and true success in our work.


    Her practice is not bound by the tenets of western psychology. The enormous body of knowledge within the current practice of psychology is something she appreciates and taps into, while not being bound by it. She interprets this body of knowledge through the lens of other forms of knowledge. The knowledge within western psychology at this time is limited by materialism, which is the underlying belief that there is no reality beyond the material. The reality of the human experience is that the material comes from something far more profound. That something-in all of its forms and wonder-is her greatest interest.


    She has been given a task, which on the scale of humanity is small, but at the scale of an individual is a life’s work: to be one, among others, who reminds herself and others of the true self journey, in service to the Creator above all else.


    She uses the word “consultant” rather than counselor, therapist, healer, or the like, although they are all similar, to emphasize the process of consultation, where the power to heal, understand, and know anything about the true self rests ultimately inside our own selves and not in anyone else. Consultation opens our eyes to insights we might not have been aware of without an opportunity to engage in the exploration with someone whose life’s work it is to examine and understand the process of this exploration.


    The path of writing, with all of its twists and turns into every aspect of life, the exploration of the imaginal realm, the connection to Soul, Angels, True Guide, Creator, has been the greatest curriculum for her journey toward remembering true self. She is currently working with an agent/editor en route to publishing her novel, which she hopes will be the first of many, God-willing.

  • Contact

    To book a consultation email: angelenergynadia@gmail.com

    I look forward to hearing from you!