Nadia Jamal
I offer True-Self Therapy for Adults and Inner Sparks Coaching for Kids.
True-Self Therapy
At this time on the planet, humanity is shrouded in the darkness of falsity--we are lied to about who we really are, conditioned to believe that we are small and insignificant, programmed to behave like slaves to a materialistic system.
I facilitate your process of uncovering the truth about who you really are so that you can use your incredible gifts to fulfil your purpose, shine your light, and live in a love vibration.
Inner Sparks Coaching for Kids
Your child has everything it takes to thrive and shine their light in this world. Your child is a beautiful being. Your child has a purpose for being here. Your child will face challenges so that they can be fully here in this human experience.
Our job is to open space for your child's healing inner sparks to come forth to do their magic. I am here to facilitate this process alongside you.
My work rests on my ability to see deeply into the heart and soul. From the soul's perspective, there is work to be done while we are in human form. The soul seeks to use our worldly existence to activate healing--healing to bring fragmented aspects of ourselves into wholeness, healing to bring ancestral accumulations of negative energy into positive energy, healing to bring our forgetfulness of the truth about ourselves into remembering.
My approach is universal, spanning across all of the many ways humanity expresses the deeper knowledge of the heart and soul. No matter your language of expression, we can connect.
I received my training and education in teaching (BEd) and counseling psychology (MA, Ed.M) from OISE/University of Toronto and at TC/Columbia University, as well as certification as a life coach (CCF). I have worked in various settings, including schools and classrooms, educational institutions and organizations, and in my private practice with individuals, children & families, as well as in business settings to develop culture-mission alignment, supporting entrepreneurs toward connecting to True-Self by overcoming self-limiting negative energy, which stops us from finding fulfilling success in our work.
My practice is not bound by the tenets of western psychology, though I appreciate and tap into its enormous body of knowledge, which I interpret through a lens of non-materialism. The knowledge within western psychology at this time is limited by materialism, which is the underlying belief that there is no reality beyond the material. However, our human story shows us that our material existence is rooted in something far more profound. That something--in all of its forms and wonder--is my greatest interest.
No matter how you describe my role (counselor, therapist, healer, facilitator, coach, consultant, light-worker, energy-worker), the role of the heart and the soul of the individual is at the core of all progress. The healer exists within the individual. My job is to facilitate your own progress.
Get in touch to book your free consultation.
*Now offering free 30-min consultations*
You can use the form below OR
email: angelenergynadia@gmail.com
call/text: 289.696.8637